Charlotte County, FL Logo

18500 Murdock Circle
夏洛特港, FL 33948

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Impact fees are used to pay for new Charlotte County facilities required by growth. New and expanded development brings more traffic on our roads, more people wanting recreation facilities, 等等....... 换句话说, development impact fees are a financial tool to reduce the gap between the money required to build new or expand County facilities and the money available for that purpose. The purpose of the fee is to fund capital projects such as roads, 公园, 监狱, 救护车, and other infrastructure that are needed because of the new or expanded development. The funds collected cannot be used for operation, maintenance, or repair of capital facilities.

Annual Fees Adjustment

​The County studies impact fees annually in an effort to closely link impact fees with future needs. These fees will be adjusted, 向上或向下, based on a formula incorporating the Construction Cost Index (CCI) and the change in average just value of vacant land in the County.

When 支付ments Are Due

影响费用 are assessed at the time the building permit is issued and must be paid prior to scheduling final inspections. However, they do not have to be paid in one lump sum. The payments can be spread over time, between when the permit was issued to the time construction is nearly complete. This makes payments on the impact fees easier to budget. There is no charge for spreading the payments this way and anyone with impact fees to pay can take advantage of this option.

请拨941.743.1201 or visit the offices of the 社区 Development Department and ask how to make a partial payment of impact fees.

支付ment Program for Commercial & 工业

​The Impact Fee 支付ment Program was established to help stabilize costs for Commercial and 工业 projects. Impact fee payments can be deferred for ten years or paid by installment over five years. There is a fee for enrollment in these programs and interest is charged. Also, not all developments will qualify.

Download the application via the link below. 完整的 & return this application form to the 分区 Division, 社区 Development Department, 18400 Murdock Circle, 夏洛特港, FL 33948-1074. 请拨941.743.1964 if you have questions about the program or wish to check on the progress of your application.

Delivering Exceptional Service

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